Thecadactylus rapicauda found outside of a lab building one night.
Sphenomorphus cherriei I startled up from some litter. This skink species is difficult to bring to hand.
Sceloporus variabilis from Guanacaste's dry forest.
Norops limifrons, the slender anole, a common species.
Norops lemurinis. I would find individuals of this species sleeping at night, perched on leaves as above. It seems like they would make easy prey for arboreal snakes, like

Norops humilus, the most common anole. Male's of this species have an red dewlap fringed by yellow.

Norops carpenteri, readily identified by the white eye ring. Males have an orange dewlap rimmed with yellow.
Lepidophyma flavimaculata, my first night lizard of the family Xantusidae. These are most often found by flipping cover objects. Occasionally they are found foraging nocturnally at the mouth of their homes (hole of some sort).
Lepidoblepharis xanthostigma, flipped by my brother. This is the only shot I got off before they poor animal dropped his tail.

Norops species?
Iguana iguana.
Gonatodes albogularis captured on a building.
Corytophanes cristattus, a super badass lizard.
Chelydra acutirostris. Imagine my surprise when I pulled a damn snapping turtle out of a swamp.... in Costa Rica??? This was a super feisty individual who snapped incessantly at me.

Rhinoclemmys annulata can be found chilling in the middle of a trails, nowhere near water.

A large
Rhinoclemmys funerea with a 10 inch long carapace. I found this species both in and out of the swamps.
Super jealous of the turnip tailed gecko... bummer.