Thursday, July 15, 2010

Some Habitants of Michigan Fens

Don't expect any herps in this post.  I am on a steadily lengthening string of failures. 

On a trip early in the year I found an excellent looking marl fen than I know has wonderful herps hiding in it.  I have struck out on a few trips to the area, but the habitat is so wonderful I manage to forget the lack of success.  It wasn't a surprise then when checking out the fen a few weeks ago I managed to stumble into a nice area with a couple Michigan carnivorous plant species.

I usually see the pitcher plants at most of the bogs and fens I check out. 

Sarracenia purpurea

 If you look closely in the bottom left though, you will see something I don't often see...

Drosera rotundifolia

I ended up see hundreds of little sundews littered around the property, mixed in with the pitchers...  score!

No massasaugas or spotted turtles today, but Michigan has many other natural wonders to keep you busy even on the slow days.


1 comment:

  1. Nice carnivores Jay! These are some nice specimens and the Sundew pic is great!

