Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Lost and Found

I was digging through some folder files and found images that never got edited or posted from the spring.

I had spent a morning wandering around one of the local metroparks, hoping for a sunning massasauga rattlesnake.  None were out today, but I enjoyed some of the other flora and fauna that were available for my camera lens.

There was a large group of hikers following these poor cranes around.  They are typically very common in the park.
Sandhill Crane and chic
A fellow photographer pointed out some flowering yellow lady slipper orchids, Cypripedium calceolus.  I didn't end up with the images I was hoping for.  It was a valiant first effort...

Painted turtles were enjoying the sun.  Unfortunately, I have yet to see blandings at this location.

This small garter snake was basking in the reeds.

Near the end of the summer, we spent an afternoon trying for an adult fox snake.  None were to be found, be we found 8+ freshly hatched juveniles in a very small location.
Nice flip!

This little red-bellied snake was spotted on a northern Michigan back country road.  I am frequently surprised by the small snakes I manage to spot and often wonder what I still miss...

My last field day I spent looking for saugas and racers.  I managed to find the small sauga I mentioned in this post, as well as few blue racers.

That about does it for the end of my season in Michigan... I may have had a miraculous late December outing, but it is a story for another day.  All in all, it was a pretty awesome year.  I think I met a few of my Michigan goals, and I had some great adventures out of state.  There is more exciting news I have to share  as soon as I can get the pictures loaded up.  Until then, Happy Holidays everyone!


Saturday, December 10, 2011


Another Detroit Redwings season is well under way.  I have enjoyed quite a few games already, and look forward to a few more great months of hockey.  If you haven't ever been to a game at "the Joe" (Joe Louis Arena), you need to get there at least once.  It may be old, with crappy bathrooms, and seats that don't have cupholders, but it is a damn fine place to watch a good ol hockey game.

An exciting win a few weeks ago.

Did I mention the tradition?

Make sure to swing by Joe Louis on your way out as well.

Always a great night for hockey in Detroit.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Winter Has Cometh...

Winter has cometh, and has grasped us in it's icy grips.  Let the count down until the spring rains (March?) begin...

I haven't spoken much about our new digs on here, but Molly and I purchased our first home last July.  We are happily enjoying our little corner of suburbia.  The winter rains turned into flurries this evening and the neighborhood trees look very immaculate in the first real snow of the year.  From here on out it will be gray, dirty and depressing in SE Michigan for the next 4-5 months.

Can't wait for those spring rains!